Our Bottles can all be Recycled

Our Bottles can all be Recycled

Portion Pak has made the conscious choice to promote recycling of its bottle ranges rather than producing plastic bottles that claim to compost or degrade. In Fiji there are currently no suitable mechanisms to process these type of bottles, so when they are sent to the landfill or if mixed in with recyclable bottles, they can actually cause more problems than not.

You may be interested to know that landfills in Fiji don’t actually want bulky degradable product like bottles to break-down within them. Most landfills are designed to be built upon in the future and therefore the last thing they want is the land to subside because of thousands of degrading bottles.

Alternatively if the bottles are designed to be compostable, then because there is currently no national commercial composting system in Fiji, they have literally nowhere to go.

The other issue which currently negates any benefits of these two options is that these type of bottles can potentially muck up the recycling system. In many cases they literally cannot be separated from standard plastic bottles as they look almost identical to each other. As such if too many of these bottles get mixed up in the process it could affect the viability of the recycling programs in place.

For the above reasons we feel that the best way to be as environmentally friendly as possible with plastic bottles right now is to recycle them until we have a better option. As such we will be more than happy to help you in finding the best way in your area of doing this.

All Health Pak bottles are made of recyclable plastics.