Mocca Panna Cotta with creamy coffee centre

JAVA JUNGLE - Approx 16 portions

INGREDIENTS: Preparation in Advance

Coffee Panna Cotta

350g Cream

30g Panna Cotta Mix

15g Coffee Paste (or 5g instant Coffee)



1. Pour cream in a sauce pan. Heat up above 80°c or until first bubble.

2. Whisk in panna cotta mix and coffee paste. Leave to cool.

3. Pour into Silikomart Truffles 20 and freeze. Demould once frozen.


INGREDIENTS: Preparation in Advance

Chocolate Panna Cotta

1100g Cream

220g Milk

140g Panna Cotta Mix

55g Dark Callebaut Chocolate 56%

17g Coffee Paste (or 5g instant Coffee)


4. Pour cream in a sauce pan. Heat up above 80°c or until first bubble. Whisk in panna cotta mix and coffee paste.

5. Pour a third over the chocolate callets, stir until smooth. Add remainder of Panna Cotta Mix. Leave to cool.

6. Pour into Silikomart Truffles 120 and place a frozen Coffee Panna Cotta sphere in each mould. Freeze.

7. Demould the frozen Sphere and place on a round sponge disc. Leave in fridge to defrost ready for service.


8. Drizzle chocolate sauce on the plate and on top of the sphere. Decorate top of sphere with a chocolate garnish and coffee bean.

9. For texture add chocolate coated feuilletine clusters or similar